Can I have facial liposuction with double jaw surgery & facial bone surgery _EU

Q: Can I have facial liposuction with double jaw surgery 

since I am worried about skin begins to sag because it's excess.

A : EU recommends liposuction after checking the 

results of surgery.

Sometimes the face is sagging after surgery because the skin can't keep up with the amount of bone movement. The amount of bone & fat movement will be difficult to follow up on your bone. So maybe there'll be more sagging (due to the gap between bone & skin). 

It will be better to have bone surgery first and take some time so the skin can follow up the bone. Then consider & deal with soft tissue.

There maybe sagging after surgery, but many cases do not have the sagging as you expected. It's not too late to do liposuction after watching the results over time. ^__^

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