Do I have a Facial asymmetry?? What should I do? Do I need jaw surgery?

Facial asymmetry can result from congenital problems, trauma, or a prior surgery or treatment. In some cases, asymmetry may affect not only the form, but also the function of your eyes, nose, and mouth. Often, the lower jaw is uneven with the rest of the face, which may be corrected with orthognathic surgery.

The key to looking beautiful is to have a symmetrical face. When a face with a great bone structure is asymmetrical, it looks unappealing. On the contrary, the more symmetrical a face is, the more comfortable, delicate, beautiful and charming it looks. Most of Korea's best beauty stars have a balanced bone structure and a perfectly symmetrical face. These faces look attractive from any camera angle.

l  Those with misaligned centers of the upper and lower lip.
l  Those with misaligned centers of the upper and lower teeth.
l  Those with a misalignment between the center of the nose and upper teeth.
l  Those with two different chin lines (left & right).
l  Those using different side of muscles when repetitively closing and opening your mouth with your fingers in your ears.
l  Those who tend to chew food with one side of the jaw muscles.
l  Those with a mouth misaligned to one side when closed and also those whose mouths are misaligned when open.

During your consultation, we can include a virtual simulation to explore the types of surgical outcomes you can get from this procedure.

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EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 

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