[News Report] This is the Most Important for Safety and Satisfaction of Complex Jaw Surgeries and Facial Bone Contouring Surgeries.

[Medical Today = Reporter Lee Ga-eun] Recently, there has been a surge in interest in orthognathic surgery and facial contouring surgery, with a steady increase in demand for procedures that address both aesthetic improvements and functional issues simultaneously. However, these surgeries are highly complex and require precision, making it essential to choose an oral and maxillofacial surgeon with expertise and experience.

Orthognathic surgery involves adjusting the position of the upper and lower jaws to improve jaw function and balance the face. Procedures like protruded jaw surgery, asymmetry surgery, and protruded mouth surgery fall under this category, which can not only improve appearance but also solve chewing and speech issues, offering both functional and aesthetic benefits. Facial contouring surgery includes procedures such as cheekbone reduction, square jaw surgery, and genioplasty, which significantly alter the facial contours and give a more defined impression, with high patient satisfaction expected, just like in orthognathic surgery.

However, these surgeries do more than just improve appearance; they must also provide functional improvements. Therefore, precise diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan are essential.

Dr. Kim Jong-yoon, a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery at EU Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic, emphasized, "Orthognathic surgery and facial contouring surgery go beyond mere cosmetic purposes; they are crucial processes for addressing functional issues. Without accurate diagnosis and proper planning, it is difficult to achieve the desired results."

He specifically added that during the pre-surgical phase, it is very important for an oral and maxillofacial surgeon and an orthodontist to collaborate and establish an optimal surgical plan tailored to each patient's condition.

Dr. Kim further advised, "To prepare for potential complications of orthognathic surgery, when considering both orthognathic and facial contouring surgeries, it is essential to verify the qualifications and experience of the surgeon who will perform the surgery. A specialist's qualifications ensure they have completed systematic training in the field and have experience performing numerous surgeries. The entire pre-surgery and post-surgery process must be thoroughly managed, and it is crucial to proceed safely by considering each patient's health and goals comprehensively."

If you are considering surgery, it is more important to consult with a medical institution that has a strong system for expertise and collaboration, rather than just focusing on the cost of orthognathic surgery or convenience.

Additionally, it is necessary to review the swelling from orthognathic surgery, before-and-after photos, and verify the surgeon's previous cases.

Medical Today, Reporter Lee Ga-eun (woon6728@mdtoday.co.kr)
