ASO or Double Jaw Surgery, which is right for me?


What is protruded mouth?


Protruded Mouth is when one's mouth protrudes further forward than the nose and chin when viewed from the side. In addition to making people appear cold, it may also make closing the mouth more difficult due to the excessive growth of the gums, among other issues.

What are the treatment methods for Protruded Mouth?

Depending on the reason behind the protrusion there are different ways to treat it. The most basic method of distinction between the methods is to gauge how much the upper and lower jaws are developed while taking the region and shape of the protrusion into consideration.

If the jaw bone's growth is normal but the teeth are protruding, you will be able to treat it with orthodontics alone. On the other hand, if the protrusion is due to excessive growth of the jaw bone and causes malocclusion, surgeries such as ASO or double jaw surgery may be needed.

Protruded mouth resulting from excessive gum growth requires ASO

Protruded mouth with malocclusion or asymmetry requires double jaw surgery

Protruded mouth as a result of the teeth only requires braces

What's the difference between ASO and double jaw surgery?

If the bone around your gums is overly developed, you can improve your symptoms through ASO surgery. This involves extracting the small molars located just behind your canines on both the upper and lower teeth on both the right and left sides. A total of 4 molars will be extracted. The bone with your front teeth will then be moved back to fill the gap that is created by the extracted molars.

On the other hand, double jaw surgery is used to improve protruding mouth that is accompanied by asymmetry or excessive gum exposure (commonly referred to as 'gummy smile'). This involves moving both the upper and lower jaw back and in some cases rotating it. There is more freedom of movement using this method, so it can be used to fix many different issues in one go.

Why do I need to get orthodontic treatment after ASO?

As many people are aware, patients need braces after ASO. This is because, unlike double jaw surgery, ASO requires 4 teeth to be extracted. In order to effectively close the remaining gap and to improve the bite of the front teeth, braces are required to put the finishing touches on ASO. In order to maximize the effectiveness of ASO, we need to collaborate with your orthodontist.

We explored the different types of Protruding Mouth and the different treatment methods for each type. Whichever type of Protruding Mouth you have, it's important that you speak with an experienced professional such as our surgeons at EU about the possible treatment methods that will help you achieve the best possible results. 
