Double Jaw + V-line Surgery
About Lantern Jaw
A lantern jaw refers to when the lower jaw is much longer than the upper jaw. When viewed from the side, the lower jaw protrudes forward. Depending on the cause of the lantern jaw, the treatment plan may differ. For example, if the lantern jaw is caused by an underbite and no issues are from the bone structure, than orthodontic treatment only can help improve it. However, if the cause of the lantern jaw is from the bone structure, surgery may be needed. It is important to identify the cause of a lantern jaw with an orthodontist or/and with an oral & maxillofacial expert.
How To Treat Lantern Jaw Through Surgery
Depending on the symptoms, either double jaw surgery or lower jaw surgery may be needed. When performing double jaw surgery, EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery chooses from two methods. (1) Saggital Split Ramus Osteotomy, also known as the SSRO method, is the most frequently used method for double jaw surgery. (2) Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy, also known as the IVRO method, can be used the nerve linings are too low or when the bones are thin.
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