What is 45 Degree Cheekbone Reduction?

What is a 45 Degree Cheekbone? 

We divide the cheekbones into 3 parts: the front, 45-degree, and side cheekbones. When viewing the cheekbones at a 45-degree angle, the bones will be protruded. Hence, the definition of the cheekbones will be noticeable. Koreans tend to have a wider face shape and visible cheekbones compared to Westerners. That is why the 45-degree cheekbone reduction surgery is unique to Koreans. 

Should I Get Cheekbone Reduction Surgery? 

Do any or all of the factors above apply to you? Do you feel that your face looks intimidating due to your cheekbones? Do you want a smooth face line? Then EU has the right surgery for you! 

Cheekbone Reduction Surgery  

EU always considers the ideal size and locations of the cheekbones for dual fixation. This in return makes the face shape look natural and gives more volume when viewed from the front, side, and any other angels. By using the Max-L fracture technique on the cheekbones, volume reduction is more apparent at any angle. The protruding cheekbones will be fractured and relocated during surgery. 

Before EU's Max-L Surgery 

After EU's Max-L Surgery

 Contact us today

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Tel. +82-2-547-0101

Homepage: http://en.eudental.co.kr/

Email : eu@eudental.co.kr

Kakao : eudental

Youtube : eusurgery .
