Benefits of Jaw Surgery in Korea

 Jaw Surgery can dramatically improve many aspects of your life.

While your facial appearance may be enhanced, the core aim of 

Jaw Surgery is correcting health & medical issues.


The line between Jaw Surgery for cosmetic wants & medical necessity is often blurred. Having a small jaw & chin aren’t merely cosmetic, 

they are likely signs of snoring, sleep apnoea & disturbed chewing function.



Jaw Surgery opens your airway, improving the flow of air 

through your nose & behind your tongue. 

This leads to greater exercise tolerance, better sleep patterns,

 & a reduced severity in snoring & Sleep Apnoea.


Your smile & facial appearance can change substantially, by optimising the amount of teeth you show when talking & smiling, & accentuating the definition of your cheekbones & jawline.


Double Jaw Surgery corrects the relationship between your upper 

& lower jaws. This balances how your teeth meet 

when biting & chewing, & minimises the potential for tooth wear & jaw joint problems.

☎ Contact us today ☎

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Tel. +82-2-547-0101


Email :

Whatsapp : +82-10-7430-7107

Kakao : eudental

Instagram : eusurgery

Youtube : eusurgery
