How can I improve long face?


The long face is a disproportion of facial features by which an elongated face impression is created, even if its dimensions are normal. The said impression may be caused by one of the following factors in isolation or in combination:


l  Vertical maxillary excess (gingival smile)

l  Vertical excess of jaw (large chin)

l  Open bite (lack of contact between the anterior teeth)

l  Narrow face (face length is normal, but amplitude is lacking)

l  Lack of definition between neck and chin (neck is perceived as a continuation of the face)


How to correct long face syndrome?


Orthognathic surgery is the treatment indicated in most cases to correct this malformation. The intervention may include the following isolated or combined strategies: maxillary impaction, chin reduction, or anti-clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane. It should be said that with this surgery, the aim is not to "shorten" the face, but to make the necessary bone movements to achieve a harmonization of the patient's features.

When the proportions of maxilla and mandible are correct, and the vertical excess is due to a very long chin, then a mentoplasty is recommended. After surgery, patient's features are much more balanced and harmonious, and the gummy smile disappears.

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