Long face doubble jaw surgery _ Korea

Long face with long chin
Case where your face looks long because your chin tip is long.

Surgical Method
A simple chin-end correction surgery can simply improve the length of face by correcting the location of the chin-end.

Surgery Method for Long Face
Face or chin is longer compared to the normal case, and
often accompanied by lip protrusions or lantern jaw.
 A face or chin often appears with a protrusion or lantern jaw
 with a longer face than the normal case.
When you laugh a lot, your gums are exposed, so it may look awkward.
Or you chin can be simply long and wide.
Because of the long face, the whole face is out of balance.
Patients are often psychologically intimidated by face
 that looks older than their actual age.

Accurate diagnosis and design of a tailored surgery plan

To achieve satisfactory results safely, accurate diagnosis is extremely important. 
At EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, we design a surgery plan tailored to each patient, through orthodontics, collaborative team work approach,
 analog and digital dual analysis, surgery simulation, 
and customized wafer production by dental technicians.

☎ Contact us today ☎
EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Tel. +82-2-547-0101
Homepage: http://en.eudental.co.kr/
Email : eu@eudental.co.kr
Whatsapp : +82-10-7430-7107
Kakao : eudental
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Youtube : eusurgery
