Double Jaw & V-line & Zygoma
The reason why I decided to do the surgery
My jaw joint was not good and my face line was not smooth enough that I felt less feminine.
I decided to do double jaw & V-line & Zygoma surgery at EU. Since they had a lot of good reviews and no medical accidents.
Post Op 2 Days
I felt difficult to breathe ... I am alright to sit and sleep, and everything is alright. I wish I could breathe well. I have no appetite. I heard that 1 week is the toughest time, I wish that time flies fast!
Post Op 4 Days
I can breathe easier than before. When I cough, I can feel little prick but except that everything was fine. I took a stroll in the park since I heard that little bit of walk will help the deswelling. Now I don’t feel any pain and so I want to eat some food and I really want to talk!
Post Op 7 Days
Today, I visit EU for the laser treatment! I took shower and then I drank pumpkin juice, took medicine, and rested. The first three to four days my face swells a lot, but from the fifth day until now, it is very strange to notice the deswelling. Morning and evening face swelling are slightly different. When I first see my swelling face I cannot imagine how I will look like but now I can see some of my face line and my face is already pretty! I am sure that I was not painful! I think I found the right hospital and doctor!
Post Op 12 Days
Today, I ate and slept well and took a walk with my mother lightly. I was browsing on the internet because I was felt shooting felling while I was yawning, but I did not think it was something to worry about.
Post Op 14 Days
Tomorrow I finally go to the hospital and stitch out... I thought that I could remove the intermaxillary fixation! I really want to remove that so badly! Lower jaws have been deswelling a lot And I heard that there are many people who feel numbness of the sensation after surgery ... I think most of my sensation is coming back in about a week. From my experience, I think it is really important to find a doctor well?
Post Op 16 Days
I was able to learn how to do the mouth exercise from the doctor, and the nurse's informed me how to put on the rubber band, so I was able to learn quickly. Wow! Remove the intermaxillary fixation is amazing!! I have not been able to adjust to my chin because I have not got enough strength yet, but the doctor has made it easier for me.
Post Op 18 Days
Today I spent my time with my friends and finally, I did makeup on my face! There is a feeling of stiffness when I wake up in the morning with a rubber band on my teeth. Also, I do the mouth exercise every time when I take out the wafer.
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