Side Cheekbone Reduction Surgery


Side Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

Cheekbone reduction surgery can help reduce the appearance of protruding cheekbones and make the overall facial line look smooth. EU's cheekbone reduction is effective at reducing the volume of the cheekbones, which can also help make the face look more smooth and smaller. When looking at any angles, whether it is the front, side, or 45 degrees, there will be an improvement to the apperance. 

Who is an appropriate candidate for side cheekbone surgery? 

1. Those who feel that their facial bones are large 
2. Those who feel that their protruding cheekbones cause a bumpy-looking face line.
3. Those who want a more even and balanced facial shape. 

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery's cheekbone reduction surgery is especially effective when aiming to reduce the appearance of protruded 45-degree cheekbones at any angle. Due to the nerves and blood vessels in the cheeks, a higher fracture line may not be easy. However, at EU, we determine the ideal size and locations of the cheekbone by applying dual fixation by having significant surgery experience. 

Cheekbone Reduction Surgery: 8 Months Post OP

 Contact us today 

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Tel. +82-2-547-0101


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Kakao : eudental

Youtube : eusurgery .

