Double Jaw & V-line Surgery Review (Post OP 1 Year)


Post OP 134 Days

I am having trouble eating food these days because of knee treatment. Maybe that's why I think I'm losing weight. I should eat better, but I'm scared because of Corona, and I don't eat outside because of the time to take out my braces. Is it just me?


Post OP 141 Days

The doctor also looked at the place where my wisdom tooth was extracted. He said I have to wear a rubber band from now on. I thought I knew how to do it when I practiced, but I can't do it when I get home. I think it takes 30 minutes because I keep bouncing on my gums...I have to go to bed early because I have a lot of work to do.


Post OP 150 Days

The hole in the wisdom tooth extraction is also decreasing to a certain extent. Food gets stuck between the holes. Gargle is now a must everywhere. Choose carefully when choosing food because you don't want to get stuck between holes.



Post OP 160 Days

I'm so good at wearing rubber bands right now J I can just put it one without looking at it.


Post OP 180 Days

The swelling is continuously decreasing and the correction is going well. There's nothing uncomfortable about the surgery, and if there's anything uncomfortable about braces, it's like removing braces every time you eat something hot or drink? The response of EU staff, one of the important things I did when I first chose the hospital, is still satisfactory. Whenever I go, I always visit without any pressure because of the kindness of the staff:)


Post OP 192 Days

These days, I work without resting, so I live well without knowing that my teeth hurt. It is often used in the late stages, but wearing a new device requires two to three days of adaptation. It's a time when I feel like I'm doing braces, and I forget like when I did it on the 4th day.


Post OP 206 Days

Doctor told me that I have a space between each tooth because of my wisdom tooth removed. He said that food can get stuck easily, so you should take good care of it by using dental floss. I definitely feel like I'm losing more foreign substances :)


Post OP 211 Days

I think the advantage is that I go to dental clinic once every two months, which is difficult to visit often because of my job.

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