Male Double Jaw Surgery review Post OP 4 Months _EU Korea

Post OP 60 Days
I am living so well after surgery! If I can't sleep a day before, I feel like my face and body is swell. There are quite a few people who don't recognize me. Everyone thinks that I lost a lot of weight. And now I registered for the gym to do light exercise first! I'm living a happy life.

Post OP 69 Days
I forget that I did surgery these days. I really like the natural result of the surgery! Thank you again, doctor. Haha

Post OP 78 Days
I feel a bit awkward on my upper lips but other people cannot recognize that I did the surgery. Also, I remove 4 screws while I get orthodontic treatment! It was not painful at all!

Post OP 3 months
I visited my grandpa's house, he told me that my face looks different! Also, I am able to eat all the food that I want! I am happy with my life now! I look forward to meet the doctor soon for my monthly checkup!

Post OP 4 months
People told me that my first impression look really good!

Before Surgery

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