Cheekbone reduction surgery (feminine looking, jaw surgery, facial contouring surgery)

Surgery cost is minimal, but its effect is MAX
What is MAX-L cheekbone reduction surgery?

MAX-L cheekbone reduction surgery is a surgery that reduces the most protruded area of the chin, thereby making a three-dimensional and smooth face shape.

EU’s unique MAX-L fracture techniques not only effectively reduce 45 degree cheekbone that is common among Koreans, but also apply dual fixation which minimizes the probability of cheek sagging.

EU strives endlessly to make a naturally beautiful face shape, 
not only when looked at from the front or the side,
 but also when glanced at for just a second.

☎ Contact us today ☎

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 

Tel. +82-2-547-0101 


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Whatsapp : +82-10-7430-7107

Kakao : eudental

Instagram : eusurgery

Youtube : eusurgery
