Professor & residents from Stanford University visit EU (jaw surgery, jaw correction, facial bone surgery)

We have a visitor from the U.S.
It's the world's most prestigious private university focused on research.
Professor & residents of Plastic Surgery at Stanford University

Check the technical skills of facial bone surgery in Korea directly.

Dr. Shin, Introduced EU oral & maxillofacial surgery medical facilities and systems.
They had some time to observe the operation as well. 

After observing the operation
We also had a Q & A time in the counseling room ^ _ ^ b

I truly respect Dr.Shin and he looks amazing when he responded to them!!

This is a time to explain the various cases of facial bone surgery, as well as to Share the responsibility and surgical know-how of a specialist.

I assume that today is a very meaningful time for Shin and for Stanford University professors and residents and Dr. Shin.

EU spreading out across the world :)
I am so proud of EU.
EU will continue to take pride and try to do produce healthy, beautiful results of facial bone surgery.♥

☎ Contact us today ☎

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 

Tel. +82-2-547-0101 


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Whatsapp : +82-10-7430-7107

Kakao : eudental

Instagram : eusurgery

Youtube : eusurgery
