Post OP 5 Months after V-line & Zygoma Surgery (Singapore)

Day 15

Day 17

Day 18

Day 21
Today's picture. The face is gradually getting better but is still pretty swollen. I heard that after FC our face will continue to deswell which gives the “weight lost effect " up to 6 months. While the excess double chin will disappear in a year.

Day 25
 I tried to take a pic of my lying down and i like how defined my jawline still is even with swelling hahaa

Today pic. I’m able to eat rice and other food well. Facial expression is not as stiff too as I can smile widely.

Month 1.5 
Haha actually my swelling got worse again because I ate a lot of food with sodium (boohoo)
I also can chew almost everything including meat. The only food that has a hard time chewing is steak. But beef slices can definitely eat! And my stitches at zygoma area become unvisible

Month 2
After having surgery at EU I felt so much less insecure about my face shape! Really no regrets!

Month 3

Month 5
Im also able to open my mouth naturally like I haven't had any FC!

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