[EU_Male] POST OP 5Months Double Jaw & Genio

Post OP 42 Days
I feel like time flies so fast that I don’t even remember that when I did the surgery. Also, I do not feel awkward about my china area when people take picture for me! I want to say thank you to Dr. Shin! Especially, I am glad that I do not need to wear wafer every single time and I go to travel too! Furthermore, my sensation is starting coming back more!

Post OP 49 Days
I hang out with my friends and ate a lot of delicious food and start to work out little by
little. Furthermore, most of swells is reduced that people cannot recognize that I did
surgery! I thought double jaw surgery will be much rough that this but it’s really good
that I can come back to my daily life very quickly!  

Post OP 3 Months
I used with my life now! But I must have to make sure to not hit by anything around my
face area. I am avoiding hard excessive exercise! Also, last time when I met doctor
and I ask him is I still swell? He said that I still do have minor swell but even if this is
the final result of the surgery I still like my face! I just want to say I am really
appreciated to Dr. Shin since he made a PERFECT! FACE SHAPE for me!!!
I still cannot believe that I can chew food with my front teeth which was never happen
before the surgery!

Post OP 4 Months
I spend such a busy day at university and I met a lot of different people. Before the surgery I always feel unsecure when I speak or laugh in front of people but I changed after surgery! I feel very confident even when I met new people!

Post OP 5 Months
Recently I compare my face before and after, and I totally realize that my face change a lot and I made such a good decision to do the surgery! Especially, I can bite Kimchi with my front teeth! I also can chew Raman with my front teeth, since before the surgery I always try to eat ramen with my tongue and roof of mouth! I really love my life!!!

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EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 

Tel. +82-2-547-0101 

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Email : eu@eudental.co.kr

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Kakao : eudental

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Youtube : eusurgery 

